Irish Whisper Snap Crackle Pop

Chamoise Doe. Disbudded. Moonspot on underbelly.
Snappy's udder is just gorgeous; capacious, globular, socked up high into a round escutcheon, and just glued on. This udder is attached everywhere. Nice balance to her udder, nicely extended foreudder, strong medial. This udder does not move. Very nice wide open orifices that let the milk just pour out with light pressure on the teat. Lovely soft texture to the udder and milks down very well. I LOVE this doe.
Snap is very very dairy. Angular with sharp withers, long bodied, long neck, and smoothly blended. Lovely tiny beautiful head. Flat boned with nice wide ribbing. Pliable dairy skin. This little doe looks like a tiny oberhasli.
Snappy is sired by MI Sugar Creek XC Yippy Skippy (MI Sugarcreek TS Xtra Cash x MI Sugarcreek WK Sally's Xena) and out of Irish Whisper W Soda Pop (Sugar Creek C Willful x Irish Whisper Tootsie Pop).
Kidded for the first time with quads. Snappy reproduced her lovely dairy character and beautiful small head, dairy skin, and those long legs in all of her kids.
Snappy's udder is just gorgeous; capacious, globular, socked up high into a round escutcheon, and just glued on. This udder is attached everywhere. Nice balance to her udder, nicely extended foreudder, strong medial. This udder does not move. Very nice wide open orifices that let the milk just pour out with light pressure on the teat. Lovely soft texture to the udder and milks down very well. I LOVE this doe.
Snap is very very dairy. Angular with sharp withers, long bodied, long neck, and smoothly blended. Lovely tiny beautiful head. Flat boned with nice wide ribbing. Pliable dairy skin. This little doe looks like a tiny oberhasli.
Snappy is sired by MI Sugar Creek XC Yippy Skippy (MI Sugarcreek TS Xtra Cash x MI Sugarcreek WK Sally's Xena) and out of Irish Whisper W Soda Pop (Sugar Creek C Willful x Irish Whisper Tootsie Pop).
Kidded for the first time with quads. Snappy reproduced her lovely dairy character and beautiful small head, dairy skin, and those long legs in all of her kids.
Second Fresh Udder. 2 Weeks Fresh, 10 1/2 Hr Fill.
She produced 6 cups (3#) of milk in this one milking. Milked 3/4 a gallon in a day.
Snappy's FF Udder
Kidding History
2011 Quads; 1 doe, 3 bucks
2012 Quads; 4 bucks
2013 Triplets; 1 doe, 2 bucks
2011 Quads; 1 doe, 3 bucks
2012 Quads; 4 bucks
2013 Triplets; 1 doe, 2 bucks
Snap's March 2011 Quads.
Sire MI Sugarcreek XC Yippy Skippy |
Sire MI Sugarcreek TS Xtra Cash |
Sire AGS Velvet Acres RB Tuscan Sun |
Sire MK Rabbah MR |
Dam MCH Inavale Vienna |
Dam AGS Sugar Creek M Penny Pincher 1*M |
Sire Ponder's End Money Pit |
Dam Sugar Creek MT Nat |
Dam MI Sugarcreek WK Sally's Xena |
Sire *B MI Sugarcreek VL Tunes Walkman |
Sire B MI Sugarcreek NT Valor |
Dam GCH AGS Sugar Creeks PT Show Tunes 1*M |
Dam AGS WGF Sally 1*M |
Sire Dav-Lyn Toby |
Dam WGF Rosie *D |
Dam Irish Whisper W Soda Pop |
Sire Sugar Creek C Willful |
Sire Irish Whisper RA Raisin' Cain AI |
Sire Stonewall's Raising Arizonia +S LA: EX 91.15 |
Dam Morningstar EM's Morning Dove |
Dam GCH/ARMCH SUGAR CREEK NATE'S PATIENCE *D 'E' 1*M AR1730 2006 AGS National Best Udder of Breed |
Dam Irish Whisper Tootsie Pop |
Sire Caesar's Villa STS Gun Slinger |
Sire ARMCH Caesar's Villa CBS Stetson ++*S |
Dam ARMCH Invale Felicia *D |
Dam Sugar Creek Red Sky at Night |
Dam ARMCH JOBI LOVELY 3*D AR1612 Show Record: 7 X BEST Udder in Show, 2 X Champ. Challenge winner |
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